Feature Ideas

  1. Edit workpapers on AA

    This is now in testing - Please let us know if you wish to have early access When we attach excel workpapers on AA, and say during review want to update the workpaper, it would be good to have the ability to edit the excel/word/PDF document within AA and have it auto saved. This can save enormous amount of time rather then replacing the document.

    Bhavik K
    #Software Updates 👍#Integrations 🔗


  2. Add the ability to sort tables by column (such as sorting minutes by date)

    So the functionality to click on a column heading on a table and the system can automatically sort it. This can be used to sort things alphabetically, numerically or by date. Feedback for being able to sort the minutes page: "it will make reviews more efficient if the audit director could sequence them after the fact newest to oldest" "some clients are dreadful at supplying a complete set of minutes and there is usually a set that gets entered out of sequence"

    Swikrit K
    #Software Updates 👍


  3. Risk Selection

    Is it possible to have a star next to the automatic total line that is now created when you import a trial balance? sometimes a whole section of the trial balance i.e. all income lines will need to be audited so as far as writing up risks its quicker to do it all on one comment box with the risks rather than individual risks. If there was a star there then users could still have the option to do this individually or in one hit, just makes work a little more efficient sometimes from a planning perspective.

    Mark W
    #New Feature 🌟#Template updates 📑#Look and feel 🎨


  4. Click and drag/move comments in workpapers

    Hello When adding comments in a workpaper, it would be useful to be able to click and drag comments and/or attachments to change the order i.e. similar to being able to move minutes into the correct date order. Thanks

    Laura A
    #Look and feel 🎨


  5. Mark some attachments as 'permanent'

    A user suggested that "permanent" attachments be possible i.e. automatically flag as permanent so they are brought forward without having to tick - for key documents such as trust deeds or constitutions. It would be good to be able to view all these from one tab also.

    Clive McKegg


  6. Freeze trial balance headings

    When scrolling down the trial balance have the headings, "draft, final, budget, prior" frozen at the top for clarity of what the $-value is you're looking at.

    Laura A
    #Look and feel 🎨


  7. A way to extend substantive testing to test more items without deleting the existing sample

    Raised during training. If a sample is made based on performance materiality of say 20 items, and the sample reveals errors such that it is decided to extend testing to test say another 20 items, how is this possible without deleting the original sample and starting again (which will get rid of all that testing work)?

    Clive McKegg
    #New Feature 🌟#Template updates 📑


  8. More levels of subtotal in Trial Balance

    A number of users have suggested that it would be great to have general subtotals (say "administration expenses") that tie the trial balance into the financial statements, but also the ability to group items at other levels within that - say all the depreciation codes into one totals. We're not sure the best way to do this but we will make sure this is part of our new version trial balance feature

    Clive McKegg
    #Version 3 🆕


  9. Cross-referencing between grouped clients

    If two clients are in the same group, then having the ability to cross reference to something in another grouped client.

    Swikrit K
    #New Feature 🌟#Software Updates 👍


  10. Ability to change the order of attachments

    This would allow walkthru support uploaded out of order to be re-arranged in order of the process.

    Tracey H
    #Version 3 🆕


  11. Ability to add multiple requestee's for requests.

    Often in larger clients, there are a few main client contacts and sometimes it is beneficial to assign a single request to multiple people rather than only one person per request. Having multiple responders means more people have oversight of queries and potentially another feature would be allowing the client to re-assign queries to another person in the organisation.

    Thomas E
    #New Feature 🌟


  12. Corresponding figures not audited paragraph in audit report

    A user suggested that if the corresponding figures are not audited, we add an applicable paragraph that addresses the fact and can be used in a standard audit report.

    Clive McKegg
    #Template updates 📑


  13. Oral communications page(s)

    Can we get all the mandatory verbal communications separated from the main body of the work on their own page or pages, at present these are sprinkled all over the file and its far too easy to miss one.

    Derily M
    #New Feature 🌟#Version 3 🆕#Look and feel 🎨


  14. Budgeting/Job progress tool in client dashboard

    The suggestion is that we include a tool where jobs are planned in terms of time, cost and staff allocation, and progress on the job is tracked so that the dashboard displays work progress. This could also tie in with milestones.

    Clive McKegg
    #Version 3 🆕


  15. API to Xero

    Most of our audit clients use Xero. Integration with Xero would be the highest priority for us. Imagine being able to: sync a client’s Xero file with an AA file automatically search contacts in Xero for related parties identified sync the trial balance confirm that the opening balances agree to prior year audited closing balances pull in account transactions for cumulative monetary sampling (and for the selected items, pull invoice attachments and metadata of the date approved and by who) send adjustment journals from AA to Xero as draft journals for the client to approve We have a couple of clients that use MYOB AccountRight Live so would be great to do this with MYOB too, but Xero would very much be our priority. (Kyle S)

    Clive McKegg
    #New Feature 🌟#Version 3 🆕
